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[ I have always been passionate about

vocal music. ]




Benjamin Hartmann is a young Ger­man conductor currently based in Stock­holm. From his early childhood he received inten­sive musical training in piano, voice and organ – passing his church music diploma with distinction at the age of 16. Soon Benjamin took over his own ensembles and was ap­poin­ted artistic director of the Phil­har­mo­nic Youth Choir Leipzig at the age of 22. Today Benjamin regularly colla­bo­rates with highly distinguished en­semb­les such as the Swedish Radio Choir, DR Pigekoret, Manado State University Choir, the German Youth Chamber Choir, Jena Phil­harmonic Choir and Orchestra, Chamber Choir Josquin des Préz, Gewandhaus Choir, and MDR Kinderchor where he also worked as assistant conductor and voice coach.

In 2010 he became music assistant and choral scholar at Lan­cing College, UK, per­forming in a number of England’s main churches such as St Paul’s, Westminster Abbey and St John’s Cambridge. In 2011 Benjamin was assistant con­duc­tor of the Inter­natio­nal Chamber Choir of JM Slovenia. After studying music education and conducting as a Deutsch­land­stipendiat at HMT Leipzig, he has now been accepted into the choral con­duc­ting master programme at KMH Stock­holm, where he works with singers of the Swedish Radio Choir as well as Eric Ericsons Kammarkör on a regular basis.

Benjamin has always been very passionate about choral music. Besides his conducting career he enjoys singing in ensembles such as the Stuttgart and Maulbronn Chamber Choir, KMH Kam­markör, Gewandhaus Choir, JSB Ensemble, German Youth Chamber Choir, and the World Youth Choir; working with renowned conductors including Helmuth Ril­ling, Hans‐Chris­toph Rademann, Frieder Bernius, Fredrik Malmberg, Simon Halsey, Nigel Short, Martina Batič, Dennis Russell Davies, and Riccardo Chailly. Concert tours have taken him to many Euro­pean countries as well as to Thai­land, South Africa, and Chile.

Recently he was participant of master classes with Peter Hanke, Gunnar Eriksson and André de Quadros. Benjamin was selected for the 2014 ‘Conducting 21C’ pro­gramme run by the International Eric Ericson Choral Centre and in 2015 participated in the first Tenso Masterclass for Con­ductors in Meche­len.

Stockholm’s thriving musical life is an inspiration for Ben­ja­min: “I feel very privileged to contribute to this vibrant cho­ral scene by being Kammarkören Musikaliska’s conductor. They are such nice people and a well-experienced ensemble; it is definitely a great learning op­por­tunity for both sides and I look forward to sharing the wealth of the German music tradition with my singers – in the same way I can also learn from them!” Benjamin likes the Swedes with their friend­ly openness and charming tem­pe­rament. “Coming to Stock­holm and living in the cradle of professional choral singing has definitely been one of my best decisions. Nu kör vi! — Let’s go!”

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